4 dienas
Pēc pieprasījuma
Instruktoru apmācība

Instruktoru apmācība (mācību metodes) apmācība ir izstrādāta, pamatojoties uz ICAO dok. 10002, IATA rekomendācijas, kas noteiktas IOSA Standartu rokasgrāmatā, lai nodrošinātu, ka apmācību personāls atbilst nepieciešamajiem kvalifikācijas un darbības standartiem, iegūst kvalifikāciju, lai sagatavotu, izstrādātu, vadītu un vadītu apmācības un pārbaudes atbilstoši airBaltic apmācību standartiem un akceptētai iestādei.

Kam vajadzētu apmeklēt:

  • Instruktori
  • Mācību, attīstības un cilvēkresursu speciālisti
  • Manage safety of the training environment and recognize his responsibility for the safety of his trainees;
  • Evaluate that training facilities, equipment, and conditions  are adequate to reach the training objectives;
  • Conduct analysis of training requirements, develop training strategy, course materials and assessment policies;
  • Identify class characteristics, determine their learning needs and master a variety of instructional methods as required by the syllabus;
  • Lead class to the required competencies and related knowledge and skills as well as demonstrate appropriate instructional skills;

  • Monitor trainee’s individual performance during instruction and perform final assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes ;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of a training event, seek for feedback of his/her own performance and propose necessary adjustments.

For more information contact us by e-mail  [email protected], or use the contact form below.

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