Multi Purpose Cabin Trainer suitable for SOP/Emergency procedures /Service / Security/ Medical / CRM / DG with sound system and smoke generator to 7 sources.
Sound System:
Yes. Digital memory controlled by touch screen
Smoke System:
Smoke generator to 7 sources: Toilet / Oven / Bin / FWD wall / Galley electrical panel / FO seat / CP panel
Additional equipment/features:
Fwd and Aft Galleys. 1 lavatory. Standard emergency equipment: life vests under each seat / em. flashlight / megaphone / fire extinguishers / portable oxygen /PA and communication between FD and CC. B737 slide. Decompression option with sound support and dropout oxygen masks.
Qualification/Certification: Mechanics Directive 98/37/EC
Date in Service: 2006
Manufacturer: Sala Brand Number 765 05.1.
Number of seats: