Fully equipped simulator which has been qualified in accordance with latest EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) issue 2 requirements, including best precision navigation PBN (performance-based navigation) and UPRT (upset prevention and recovery training) capabilities. It is equipped with 60” Stroke Electric Motion System as well as the most modern visual system, consisting of four-megapixel LED Projector systems and dual head-up displays. The CAE7000XR Series FFS, equipped with the CAE Tropos™ 6000XR visual system for unprecedented realism.
Model | (A220-300/100) |
STD Identification: | FFS SE-124 |
Aircraft Type: | Airbus A220 (300 /100) |
FSTD Qualification Level: | Level D |
Manufacturer: | CAE |
Engine Fit and Options: | PWG1524G / PWG1525G |
Motion Axis: | CAE EMM Series: MOOG Electrical 6-DOF |
Visual IG: | FL35 LED projectors |
Display Configuration: | FOV 200 x 23 |
FMS: | Smith Industries Model 2904-F6 Ver: 10 |
Additional Equipment/Features: | UPRT, GPWS , EGPWS, GPS, PWS – Predictive Wind shear, TCAS, Full/Post Stall, Smoke, RAAS (SMGS), Steep Appr., |
Engine Instruments: | P&W controller (FADEC) |
Flight Instruments: | FMS: Rockwell Collins FMSA-6010 810-0163-2B0004-03 |