MEP(land) VFR rating course
The aim of the course is to obtain the privileges of the holder of a MEP (land) rating to be able to act as pilot on the class aircraft specified in the rating.
The MEP TM consists of the following segments and elements:
Theoretical Knowledge training:
- DA42 VI (NG) AFM
- EFIS training (G1000)
- IR refresher training
- FSTD training
- Aeroplane training.
The Class Rating SEP(land) DA40 NG and the Class Rating MEP(land) DA42 VI (NG) Initial Training course program complies and outperforms minimum training modules time requirements:
Theoretical Knowledge Instruction and EFIS training
- 05:00 hours classroom lecture for DA40.
- 07:00 hours classroom lecture for DA42.
- 02:00 hours G1000 familiarization.
- 01:00 hours of Final Theoretical Knowledge Examination MEP(land)
FSTD training:
Not Applicable.
Aeroplane Pre-Flight Inspection and Air exercises in accordance to the prescribed program:
- 3 sessions / 05:00 hours of Aeroplane training including briefing/debriefing for DA40.
- 5 sessions / 06:00 hours of Aeroplane training including briefing/debriefings for DA42 of which 02:30hrs will be dual flight instruction under normal conditions of multiengine aeroplane operations, and not less than 03:30hrs will be dual flight instruction in engine failure procedures and asymmetric flight techniques.
Training duration: 2 weeks / Validation period: 1 year
Enrolment requirements:
- PPL(A) or higher.
For MEP(land);
- Have at least 70 hours of flight experience as PIC on aeroplanes FCL.720.A(d)(1).
- Hold valid Medical Certificate Class 1 and/or 2.
- Hold a certificate issued in accordance with FCL.055 or license endorsement of at least level 4 of English language proficiency.