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Flight Crew Ground Training

Aviation Security (AVSEC) Trainer course

Aviation Security Training course is designed for Aviation Security Trainers and Aviation Security Managers to reach a high level of security knowledge and skills. The course will help to to be able to develop and perform security – training course and implement new training methodologies.


  • course opening
  • participant introduction
  • course program and objectives


  • history of incidents
  • threat and risk assessment
  • SEMS
  • AVSEC core principles
  • new trends


Airport Security

  • infrastructure
  • surveillance
  • passenger and baggage screening equipment
  • passenger behavioral analysis (profiling)


In-flight Security

  • cabin checks and searches
  • passenger observations
  • cockpit door procedures

Bomb Threats

  • history of incidents
  • what’s a bomb
  • bomb threat classification
  • emergency response
  • aircraft bomb searches
  • least risk bomb location
  • in-flight incident procedures


Unruly Passenger

  • legislation and regulations
  • level of threats
  • forms of verbal aggressive behavior
  • de-escalation techniques
  • pressing charges
  • physical aggressive behavior
  • restraint techniques
  • self defense


Hijack Situations

  • history of incidents
  • recognition of different type of hijackers
  • phases of a hijack
  • behavioral guidelines and strategies


Instructional Techniques


3 days