Flight Instructor Course
The course is designed to train the applicants to demonstrate the FI abilities, including briefing, flight instructions and de-briefing.
Prerequisites for FI(A) training course are developed in accordance with FCL.915 and FCL.915.FI.
An applicant for a FI(A) training course shall:
- Be at least 18 years of age;
- Hold at least the licence, and where relevant, the rating for which the flight instruction is to be given;
- Have completed at least 15 hours of flight time as a pilot on the class or type of aircraft on which flight instruction is to be given, of which a maximum of 7 hours may be in an FSTD representing the class or type of aircraft, if applicable; or
- Passed an assessment of competence for the relevant category of instructor on that class or type of aircraft;
- Be entitled to act as PIC on the aircraft during such flight instruction;
- Have received at least 10 hours of instrument flight instruction on the appropriate aircraft category, of which not more than 5 hours may be instrument ground time in an FSTD;
- Have completed 20 hours of VFR cross-country flight on the appropriate aircraft category as PIC; and
- Hold at least a CPL(A); or
- Hold at least a PPL(A) and have, except for an FI(A) providing training for the LAPL(A) only, passed the CPL theoretical knowledge examination, which may be taken without completing a CPL theoretical knowledge training course and which shall not be valid for the issue of a CPL, and have completed at least 200 hours of flight time on aeroplanes or TMG’s, of which 150 hours as PIC;
- Have completed at least 30 hours on single-engine piston powered aeroplanes of which at least 5 hours shall have been completed during the 6 months preceding the pre-entry flight test set our in FCL.930.FI(a);
- Have completed a VFR cross-country flight as PIC, including a flight of at least 540km (300NM) in the course of which full stop landings at 2 different aerodromes shall be made;
- Have passed a specific pre-entry flight test with an FI qualified in accordance with FCL.905.FI(i) within the 6 months preceding the start of the course, to assess their ability to undertake the course. This pre-entry flight test shall be based on the proficiency check for class and type ratings as set out in Appendix 9;
- Hold valid 1st class Medical Certificate;
- Hold ICAO English Language Proficiency Level 4, or higher.
- 4 weeks of theory
- 1 week of long briefings
- flights in Liepaja.
125:00h (including 25:00h of Teaching and Learning).
05:00h in FNPT II
20:00h with FI in a/c
05:00h in the a/c without FI (students fly in pairs)
02:00h of X-Treme 3D training
04:00h of AoC (including 01:00h in a/c).